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Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One Música de la película de Lorne Balfe disponible el 12 de julio de 2023

today10/07/2023 37 2

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Sony Music Masterworks anuncia hoy el lanzamiento de MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE – DEAD RECKONING PART ONE (MUSIC FROM THE MOTION PICTURE) del compositor LORNE BALFE, disponible en todas partes el miércoles 12 de julio, el mismo día que la película, de Paramount Pictures y Skydance, se estrena exclusivamente en teatros

Sobre la partitura, Lorne Balfe comenta: «Siempre es emocionante y apasionante componer una película con un legado como Misión Imposible. Empecé a escribir para este proyecto hace más de 3 años y el objetivo era crear una película cargada de adrenalina, emocional y estimulante». puntuación para que coincida con la intensidad palpitante de la película.

Para esta partitura, pudimos grabar en ciudades que forman los lugares de filmación, aportando un nivel diferente de autenticidad y conexión emocional a la música. Grabamos Choirs in Venice, The Swiss Drums Corps en Suiza, Orchestra’s en Venecia, Viena y Londres junto con una épica sesión de bongo compuesta por 35 músicos, sonaba increíble en la sala y una linda oda a Fallout. Esta es, con mucho, mi partitura más amplia hasta la fecha con 555 músicos tocando en 5 ciudades. Fue un honor trabajar con talentos de clase mundial y un excelente equipo que ayudó a cultivar una partitura final que es verdaderamente especial».

Christopher McQuarrie, director, guionista y productor de MISIÓN: IMPOSIBLE: LA PRIMERA PARTE A ESCUCHAR: «Lo que está a punto de escuchar representa tres años de prueba y error, experimentación audaz y atención exhaustiva al más mínimo detalle emocional. Es, bastante simplemente, el tipo de partitura que simplemente ya no hacen. Y, sin embargo, Lorne Balfe lo hizo «.

InMission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) y su equipo IMF se embarcan en su misión más peligrosa hasta el momento: rastrear una nueva arma aterradora que amenaza a toda la humanidad antes de que caiga en las manos equivocadas. Con el control del futuro y el destino del mundo en juego, y las fuerzas oscuras del pasado de Ethan acercándose, comienza una carrera mortal alrededor del mundo. Enfrentado a un enemigo misterioso y todopoderoso, Ethan se ve obligado a considerar que nada puede importar más que su misión, ni siquiera las vidas de sus seres queridos.

The Sevastopol
The Phantom
Collision Alarm
A Ghost in the Machine
The Sum of Our Choices
Dead Reckoning Opening Titles
The Entity
Your Mission…
This Is Not a Drill
The Plot Thickens
You Are Dunn
Get Out Now
A Colourful Past
Rush Hour in Rome
Roman Getaway
You’re Driving
Hit It
He Calls Himself Gabriel
A Most Probable Next
Run As Far As You Can
You Are Done
Chasing Grace
I Was Hoping It’d Be You
Ponte Dei Conzafelzi
To Be a Ghost
What Is Your Objective
Murder and The Orient Express
Mask of Lies
I Missed the Train
Key Details
The Moment of Truth
Should You Choose to Accept
Leap of Faith
You Stop the Train
Chaos on the Line
This Was the Plan
Curtain Call

GRAMMY-winning, and EMMY & BAFTA-nominated composer Lorne Balfe has created music in virtually all genres and for all visual media with projects ranging from major studio to independent films, tent pole video game franchises, beloved animated feature films, critically acclaimed television series, and documentary features.

Originally from Inverness, Scotland, Lorne’s love of music and writing was evident from an early age. His childhood home had a residential recording studio where the likes of Ozzy Osbourne and Inner Circle would record – the latter of which he serendipitously worked with for his score to Bad Boys for Life.

As early as eight years-old, Lorne began writing and selling his composed «jingles» for advertisements, and at the age of thirteen he auditioned to be a percussionist with the Edinburgh Symphony Orchestra, becoming their youngest member, and traveled around Scotland with them professionally. It became clear to Lorne that he wanted to become a film composer and in his late teens he started writing letters to other composers in the hope of an opportunity. It was then he decided to move to the U.S., and soon his exceptional career took off.

Consistently receiving accolades for his musical compositions, he received critical acclaim for his score in the most successful film of the Mission Impossible franchise, Writer/Director Christopher McQuarrie’s Mission: Impossible -Fallout (Paramount Pictures) and has also scored Mission: Impossible Dead Reckoning Part One, releasing in July 2023.

Balfe worked on the critically acclaimed and Oscar nominated Top Gun: Maverick (Paramount), which garnered 1.488 Billion in the global box office. Lorne served as Score Producer and contributed to the score alongside Hans Zimmer, Harold Faltermeyer, and Lady Gaga.
He recently composed the music for the highly praised Luther: Fallen Sun (Netflix), the continuation to the beloved BBC series, and Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves (Paramount) based on the much beloved and celebrated tabletop game.

Other notable credits include Black Widow (Disney/Marvel), Ambulance (Universal), Jungleland (Paramount), The Lego Batman Movie (Warner Bros), and the Oscar nominated film The Florida Project (A24). Coming up Lorne’s work will be heard in Argylle directed by Matthew Vaughn.

In addition to his work with Christopher McQuarrie, Lorne has worked with many of the most prestigious directors in the industry including Christopher Nolan, Ron Howard, Michael Bay, Cate Shortland, Ang Lee, Christophe Waltz, Jerry Bruckheimer, Sean Baker, and Chris McKay.


Escrito por Jose Villalobos

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today10/07/2023 7 1

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